Everybody can have a thought rational or irrational. If it is not backed up by actions, it remains nothing except a thought. Recently, I faced a spiritual crisis and thought is spiritual energy, so I can honestly say I had a thinking crisis which turned into a solvable reality through spiritual energy or thought backed up with action. So, I want to explain something here: Without action, the worst or best thoughts remain unused spiritual energies that do nothing. With action, everything ultimately gets done, especially where persistence, flexibility and genuine understanding of why and how to use energies is involved. When the why is most important also, things get done better with better reasoning also. When you have a strong why, you can take any how and run with it to paraphrase Friedrich Nietzsche, the philosopher.
The strongest why reasons, also, lead to the greatest of accomplishments deeply, really. Indeed rationally worked out action and realistic creativity is everything. Even the most fantastic accomplishments can be achieved this way honestly.
Indeed, I call this article “Action Is Everything” because action genuinely followed through rationally is always a winner, not a loser. The real losers just react without thinking anyhow. Indeed, genuine winning is a creative process not a reactive goal. Reactive goals and effects being concentrated on instead of causes and deep creativity is where the genuine mistake is made.
Action is not reaction or blind, it is a consciousness zone of reality that we must work with but does not work with us if we just react. Creativity is a process and a reality, not a simple fantasy that comes out of “nowhere”. It is here now in existence, but has to be brought out through action. Work with causation and you will get somewhere, play with effects and you will get nowhere except frustrated.
Writing from experience, I realize that causes are always more important than effects. Call it “from the source to the reality” thinking and action. As is said: action-is-everything, we have to take action in reality to get anything worthwhile.
Even in spiritual matters, the rubber must meet the road without escape. Action and reality is the seal that says and means everything. Nothing else matters. I understand what my Dad Joe meant by: “I do not play.” Follow through in life or life means nothing. Winning may not be “everything”, but reality is everything as a cause, then an effect. This can never be reversed or shaken up in any way. I refer to an earlier concept of mine called TAG or think, act, then generate. Can that reality be changed when things need to get done? Not at all. Reality is, after all, getting things done anyway. Procrastination is the ultimate fantasy, it never gets past the thinking phase. Action and generating is the domain of action. So, get real and all else will be added.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.